Projects I have Worked On
Astro ImageTools
Astro ImageTools is a collection of tools for the Astro JS framework to optimize and generate responsive image and background image sets.
Astro SPA
A SPA framework for Astro JS that enables Single-Page-Application like navigation in a website built using Astro.
Gears PC
Gears PC is a website built for a PC parts manufacturing company that manufactures and sells computer parts.
#stacks: #@iconify/react #@stripe/react-stripe-js #@stripe/stripe-js #axios #daisyui #firebase #poly-fluid-sizing #react #react-dom #react-firebase-hooks #react-hook-form #react-query #react-router-dom #react-spinners #react-toastify #sass #tailwindcss #cors #dotenv #express #jsonwebtoken #mongodb #stripe
The Muhymin Blog
The Muhymin Blog is a personal blogging website.
#stacks: #@loadable/component #@mdx-js/mdx #@mdx-js/react #dotenv #elasticlunr #gatsby #gatsby-background-image #gatsby-plugin-canonical-urls #gatsby-plugin-catch-links #gatsby-plugin-csp #gatsby-plugin-feed #gatsby-plugin-gatsby-cloud #gatsby-plugin-image #gatsby-plugin-manifest #gatsby-plugin-mdx #gatsby-plugin-nprogress #gatsby-plugin-offline #gatsby-plugin-postcss #gatsby-plugin-preact #gatsby-plugin-purgecss #gatsby-plugin-react-helmet #gatsby-plugin-robots-txt #gatsby-plugin-sass #gatsby-plugin-sharp #gatsby-plugin-sitemap #gatsby-plugin-webpack-bundle-analyser-v2 #gatsby-remark-autolink-headers #gatsby-remark-embed-snippet #gatsby-remark-images #gatsby-remark-prismjs #gatsby-remark-smartypants #gatsby-source-contentful #gatsby-source-filesystem #gatsby-transformer-json #gatsby-transformer-remark #gatsby-transformer-sharp #mongodb #postcss #preact #prismjs #react #react-dom #react-helmet #react-hook-form #sass #sharethis-reactjs #svg-url-loader
The Soft Hard System Blog
The Soft Hard System Blog is my personal blogging website where I often write about software, hardware, coding, and other topics.
#stacks: #astro #astro-seo #astro-spa #autoprefixer #csso #jsdom #number-to-words #prettier-plugin-astro #sass #subset-font #tailwindcss
Spark Plug
Spark Plug is an inventory management website to hold stock for electric cars
#stacks: #@iconify/react #bootstrap #firebase #react #react-dom #react-firebase-hooks #react-router-dom #cors #dotenv #express #mongodb